Friday, February 17, 2012

Saxon Holt's Deal

Saxon Holt of "A Saxon Creation" said if she had any kits that had 5 or fewer example layouts, she'd give you the kit of your choice for $.99 if you'd do a page for her. She saw my Valentine pages - where I'd used her kits exclusively - and gave me a kit for $.99. Oh Boy! That was exciting! So, I went hog wild!

I started using the kit "Snow Day" and came up with a page of my dog Scuffy, playing in the snow.

I asked for the kit "Zoobilee Zoo" for $.99 and I got it! SCORE!!!

So I started looking at some of her other kits and found "Honey Pot Bear" only had a few sample pages and I had that kit. I had wanted to use it to do a page of Luke in his overalls. He had these brown overalls that reminded me of a pair I bought his Mom when she was a baby. They had Winnie the Pooh on the bib. I had Winnie the Pooh on just about all her clothes, and toys, and walls, and bedding... you get the idea. So I made this page of the Sweet Baby Luke.

Saxon let me have "Gloomy Day" for $.99 for doing that one. Then I saw her kit "Very Valentine" didn't have 5 sample pages. I had been looking for a great "girlie" kit to scrap some pages from a birthday party Aurora had attended. They had this really great idea to pose with picture frames and the photos came out so clever! I really liked what they achieved and I had to make a really special page for them.

the kit comes with some really beautiful background papers. I put the polka-dotted paper as the background and then I saw a paper that had an interesting design on it. I wondered what the design would look like, if I matched it up like tiles. So I made the background paper into a smaller square, then made a copy and flipped it. The two designs looked great together, so I did two more squares, just upside down. I really liked the effect.

I got "At the Museum - China" for $.99 for doing that one.

I had some pictures I wanted to use her kit "RAWR!" for, and although she had more than 5 sample pages on that kit - and I knew I wouldn't get a $.99 deal for it - I just had to scrap that page anyway. You know how sometimes pictures will just call out to you and ask for a special page? That's how I felt about doing this one. Luke is getting so big and he's just so full of personality, this kit really fit the bill.

Late last night I saw "Radar Love" could use more sample pages, and I thought about what pictures would best fit the kit. There's a special young man in my life I watched grow up from the bratty little kid he was, to marvelous man he is today. He fell in love with an incredible young lady and they married. They have two kids now and live far away in Wisconsin and I miss them very much. Their wedding was incredibly beautiful. I thought of those wedding pics as soon as I saw the kit. Whatcha think?

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